Name of Conference: IMS National Conference
Title: Antecedents of Attitude towards HR Analytics
Date of Conference: 24th and 25th March,2017
Name of Faculty: Himani Binjola
Name of Paper: Environment and Forest Law: A Critical Analysis
Year of Publication: November 5, 2016
Faculty Name: Nupur Nautiyal and Pragya Rao, students of School of Law
References: A National Seminar on Socio Legal Dimensions of Environmental Law,ONGC Dehradun November 5, 2016
Name of Paper: Environmental Crimes vis-a-vis Indian Criminal Law: An analysis
Year of Publication: November 5, 2016
Faculty Name: Mr Samrat Datta
References: A National Seminar on Socio Legal Dimensions of Environmental Law,ONGC Dehradun November 5, 2016
Name of Paper: Sustaining our Home by Protecting the Forests and Environment
Year of Publication: November 5, 2016
Faculty Name: Harsh Verma and Pragya Rao, students of School of Law
References: A National Seminar on Socio Legal Dimensions of Environmental Law,ONGC Dehradun November 5, 2016
Name of Paper: Impact of Energy Laws on Environment: An evaluation
Year of Publication: November 5, 2016
Faculty Name: Tanya Shrivastava and Gagandeep Singh Chandok, students of School of Law
References: A National Seminar on Socio Legal Dimensions of Environmental Law,ONGC Dehradun November 5, 2016
Name of Paper: Impact of Energy Laws on Environment
Year of Publication: November 5, 2016
Faculty Name: Ayushi Mittal
References: A National Seminar on Socio Legal Dimensions of Environmental Law,ONGC Dehradun November 5, 2016
Name of Paper: Environmental Protection through Contemporary Criminal Law
Year of Publication: November 5, 2016
Faculty Name: Noman Shah, Ashish Badoni
References: A National Seminar on Socio Legal Dimensions of Environmental Law,ONGC Dehradun November 5, 2016
Name of Paper: Scarcity, Impulsive Buying & Supply Chain Management in Cosmetic Products
Year of Publication: June 30, 2016
Faculty Name: Dr Ajay Sharma
References: Sharma, A. “Scarcity, Impulsive Buying & Supply Chain Management in Cosmetic Products” Paper presentation in National Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends in Logistics and Supply Chain Management” 30 June, 2016 sponsored by the Director General Resettlement. New Delhi, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India.
Name of Paper: Negative Impacts of Tourism
Year of Publication: April 27, 2016
Faculty Name: Dr Ajay Sharma
References: Sharma, A., “Negative Impacts of Tourism” Paper Presentation in National Seminar in Human Rights in Hospitality and Tourism Industry organized by School of Hotel Management and Hospitality Graphic Era University Dehradun in Partnership with Uttarakhand Human Rights Commission; 27 April, 2016
Name of Paper: Technology Development for Production of Biopolymers
Year of Publication: February, 2016
Faculty Name: R D Rawat
References: 10th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress 2015-16, Uttarakhand Council for Science and Technology (UCOST), Vigyan Dham- Dehradun, 11 February, 2016
Name of Paper: Himalayan Medicinal Plants- The Potential Source of Valuable Phytochemicals
Year of Publication: January, 2016
Faculty Name: R D Rawat
References: 103rd Indian Science Congress, University of Mysore, Mysuru, 5 January 2016
Name of Paper: Mughal Art and Architecture of India: Fatehpur Sikri
Year of Publication: April, 2015
Faculty Name: Ar. Bindu Agarwal, Ar. Dhenesh Raj
References: Ar. Bindu Agarwal, Ar. Dhenesh Raj; “Mughal Art and Architecture of India: Fatehpur Sikri”; National Conference on Sustainable Architecture; IIT Roorkee; 12 April, 2015
Name of Paper: The Safe Passage given to Paid News in Media
Year of Publication: November, 2014
Faculty Name: Subhash Gupta
References: Subhash Gupta; “”National Seminar on Journalism for Positive Change;Dev Sanskriti Vidyalaya, Shantikunj Haridwar; November 1-2, 2014; ISSN No. 978- 93 – 81212- 23- 3
Name of Paper: Link between Physics and Ancient Indian Philosophy
Year of Presentation: October, 2014
Faculty Name: Malabika Sen
References: Malabika Sen; “Link between Physics and Ancient Indian Philosophy”; National Seminar on Ancient and Spiritual Sciences, Center for Scientific Spiritual Studies, Department of Oriental Studies Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar; October 25-26, 2014
Name of Paper:Spiritual Education to cultivate Divine Qualities
Year of Presentation: October, 2014
Faculty Name: Malabika Sen
References: Malabika Sen; “Spiritual Education to cultivate Divine Qualities”; National Seminar on Ancient and Spiritual Sciences, Center for Scientific Spiritual Studies, Department of Oriental Studies Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar; October 25-26, 2014
Name of Paper: Contemporary Competitive Strategies in Retail Industry: Key to Sustainability
Year of Submission: April, 2012
Faculty Name: Himanshu Kargeti, Vishal Sagar, Harish Kumar
References: Himanshu Kargeti, Vishal Sagar, Harish Kumar; Managing Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage; Proceedings of National Seminar on Managing Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage; April 14, 2012; Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Name of Paper:The Talent Paradigm -Talent Acquisition, Talent Development Talent Management & Talent Retention
Year of Submission: March, 2012
Faculty Name: Shilpa Wadhwa, Harish Kumar
References: ShilpaWadhwa, Harish Kumar; “The Talent Paradigm -Talent Acquisition, Talent Development Talent Management & Talent Retention”; National conference on Recent Trends in Management Studies, Maharashtra Academy of Engineering (MAE), Pune. March 9-11, 2012 (Maharashtra Business Review – ISSN No. 2278 – 389)
Name of Paper:Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent Handoff Control
Year of Submission: September, 2012
Faculty Name: Irshad Ahmed
References: Irshad Ahmed; “Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent Handoff Control”; Page No-14, National Conference on Emerging Trends In Computing And Information Technology (NCETCIT-2011), RKGITW, Ghaziabad, U.P, India
Name of Paper:Wireless Brain Computer Interface Fuzzy Logic Approach
Year of Submission: September, 2011
Faculty Name: Irshad Ahmed
References: Irshad Ahmed; “Wireless Brain Computer Interface Fuzzy Logic Approach”; Page No-15, National Conference on Emerging Trends In Computing And Information Technology (NCETCIT-2011), RKGITW, Ghaziabad, U.P, India
Name of Paper: Revisting The Accounting Practices: The Crucial Role of Auditors & Regulators
Year of Submission: 2012
Faculty Name: Vishal Sagar, Himanshu Kargeti
References: Vishal Sagar, Himanshu Kargeti;”Revisting The Accounting Practices: The Crucial Role of Auditors & Regulators”; Ethical Imperatives for Contemporary Business Organisations: I.T.S-IM, Greater Noida (pp:336-348)
Name of Paper:Shades of Leadership Practices Under Different Scenarios: A Review of Literature
Year of Submission: 2012
Faculty Name: Vishal Sagar, Himanshu Kargeti
References: Vishal Sagar, HimanshuKargeti; “Shades of Leadership Practices Under Different Scenarios: A Review Of Literature”; IMR-Management Speak
Name of Paper:Market Leadership Through Talent Identification And Management- A Critique
Year of Submission: 2012
Faculty Name: Vishal Sagar, Shilpa Wadhwa
References: Vishal Sagar, Shilpa Wadhwa; “Market Leadership Through Talent Identification And Management- A Critique”; International Pacific Review (2012)
Name of Paper:Contemporary Imperatives of Talent Management – Issues and Challenges
Year of Submission: 2012
Faculty Name: Vishal Sagar
References: Vishal Sagar; “Contemporary Imperatives of Talent Management – Issues & Challenges”; Polishing the Diamonds:Transformation to Excellence NIPM- ONGC, Dehradun XIV I 26-27
Name of Paper: Hindi Vowel Recognition using Linear Prediction Cepstral Coeeficients (LPCCs) and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMS)
Year of Presentation: 2012
Faculty Name: Sujata Negi Thakur & Manoj Kumar Singh
Conference Name: 7th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, 2012
Name of Paper: Performance of AODV Protocol in MANETS by varying the nodes of a Network using NS2 Simulator
Year of Presentation: 2012
Faculty Name: Name: Manoj Kumar Singh & Sujata Negi Thakur
Conference Name: 7th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, 2012
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