Mr. Sandeep Bhatt
Assistant Professor
Film, Documentary, Culture
Mr. Sandeep Bhatt is working as an Assistant Professor with Department of Media and Mass Communication, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun for the past five years. holds experience of more than 18 years in electronic media, TV news feature and Documentary while associated with Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT), Spotfilms TV News & Feature Agency and Formedia. Under PSBT, he has worked as a Producer and Supervisor and executed more than 200 documentaries films for India’s National Broadcaster, Doordarshan. He has also worked as a Chief Project Executive on MEDIAID, a project co-funded by European Union and DFID-UK aimed at sensitizing media towards Health Journalism (HIV& AIDS). Formedia was the implementing partner with Internews Europe and DW AKADEMIE Germany. At present, he is also a consultant with Formedia and has worked with STEP INDIA a project supporting Indian documentary filmmakers for mainstream broadcast in Europe, USA, Australia (BBC, ARTE, PBS, SBS, YLE and others). Apart from this, he has worked with ESoDoc India and ESoDoc International, targeting documentary and NGO filmmakers in India, Europe and Africa. He has extensively worked with Spotfilms TV News & Feature Agency as an associate producer, correspondent and reporter.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2626-0965
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