Dr. Mayank Pant
Associate Professor
Marketing with special reference to sustainability aspect of Green products market agility
Dr. Pant has received his doctorate in Management from Uttaranchal University, Dehradun and has previously worked in Kumaun University. He has to his credit being a resource person in delivering lecture in researcher methodology with expertise in SPSS, AMOS, Smart PLS, ADANCO, JAMOVI, JASP and R studio software’s. His experience is rich both in both non academics (7 years) and academics (14 years) revolving in subjects like Business Statistics, Research Methodology, Business Research Methods etc. Dr. Pant has around 6 peer-reviewed research publications in journals national and international (Scopus), edited book chapters indexed in Scopus, and one book chapter. Dr. Pant has presented his research work in International and national conferences. He has been supervising Undergraduate, and postgraduate students in their research work primarily on management studies. He has under him two research scholars’.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0753-9303
Scopus ID: 57203589892
Vidwan ID: 418299
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YDhYMhoAAAAJ&hl=en
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