A team of Scientists, Dr. C.N. Mishra, Dr. Joginder Singh, Dr. Pramod Prasad from ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal had an inspection visit on AVTs-Wheat NWPZ at Banjarewala Field, School of Agriculture on April 18, 2023. School of Agriculture is a voluntary Centre for AICRPs Wheat and Maize. The team also visited the facilities at farm and New building, School of Agriculture. Further, the team had an interaction with Pro- Chancellor, Dr. J. Kumar at Dehradun campus, GEHU. Dr. Y.P. Singh, Assoc. Dean, Dr. Arvind Negi, PI-Wheat Program, Dr. Vivek Pathak, Dr. Shiv Vendra, Dr. Anupama Rawat, Dr. Gaurav Joshi along with M.Sc. Students were present during the inspection at the field.