Dr. Jyoti Joshi
Assistant Professor
Power electronics, Grid Connected PV inverters, Controller design, MPPT.
With more than ten years of experience, Dr. Joshi is focused on developing control strategies for integrating distributed renewable energy sources to the utility grid. She believes in the overall growth of all through continuous work and feedback and is adaptive to mentor many young innovative minds. The outcome of her research is published in high-quality peer- reviewed journal, IEEE Access. She also has co-authored and reviewed articles in high quality journals like IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and Renewable Sustainable Energy Resources. Apart from research, she also has served in Wollo University, Ethiopia under United Nation Development Program (UNDP), as a Lecturer on a two-year contract. Dr. Joshi has also collaborated with the Principal Investigator of MCAST Energy Research Group, Dr. Brian Azzopardi within European Commission H2020 funded project “JUMP2Excel”.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0003-8303
Scopus ID: 57221981949
Vidwan ID: 401982
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=jG16QTIAAAAJ&hl=en
Web of Science ID: AAX-2694-2021
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