Dr. Kumar Arijit
Assistant Professor
Banking and Financial Services with focus on Banking Development.
Dr. Kumar Arijit has a Industry and Teaching experience of about 16 years. He worked with State Bank of India (SBI Bank) in various capacities including Branch Manager, Credit Officer, IT Officer. His research interest revolves around Banking and Financial Services with special focus on banking development and processes. He has also delivered lectures on Credit Appraisal to Branch Managers and Credit Officers of Public Sector Bank. He has six research papers in ABDC, Scopus and Peer Reviewed Journals. He also holds various Industry Certifications from Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) and National Institute of Securities Market (NISM).
Vidwan ID: 529001
Orchid ID: 0000-0002-1353-6491
Research Gate ID: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kumar-Arijit/
Google Scholar ID: eKcfbM8AAAAJ
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